Saturday, March 26, 2011

MMW Designs: The Little Buddy Vest

Something fun for your little boy's Waldorf-style dolls.

This spiffy vest makes a great partner to the Little Longies.

The Little Buddy Vest requires .6 oz of one color and .3 oz of a trim color. They can also be made in all of one color of yarn. I might require a few measurements from you to make the perfect fit. I am happy to attach buttons you provide or I can use coordinating solids provided by me.

The Your Yarn, My Needles fee for this garment is $10.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stripey Dress for Heather

Finished last night, washed today and drying. Should be ready to mail tomorrow. Hope you like it!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

MMW "Soft" Opening

I am gearing up for an etsy store front opening, hopefully by April 1st. To get feedback on my work, I am doing a small opening on a favorite message board with custom knitting slots.

I will update project progress here and share photos as I get things going.

Customs work list:
1. WW Stripey Dress for Heather, yarn arrived 3/5, finished 3/9!
2. Tunic Dress for Kristen, yarn arrived 3/28 finished 4/3!
3. Oriental Lily for Jen, yarn arrived 3/14, finished 3/23!
4. Little Longies for Kathy, yarn arrived 3/17, finished 3/26!
5. SW Stripey Dress- for Kristan, waiting on yarn to arrive